Friday, June 11, 2004

Have you read Moneyball?

After reading my daily dose of Baseball Prospectus articles today, I found a link to an old Steven Goldman article about the book Moneyball, which is worth reading for anyone.
If you've read Moneyball, it will amuse you to read about all the misinterpretations and public derisions of the book. If you haven't read the book, it will help enlighten you to the differences between what is actually said and what many seem to believe the book is about.

Make no mistake: Beane neither wrote nor instigated the writing of the book, he was merely its subject. Numerous articles have been written criticizing Beane for writing a book about how great he is as a GM, but they couldn't be more off base. I'd continue, but I could never summarize Goldman's piece and do it justice. It is free content, so take 5 minutes and give it a read.


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